The Bonsai Park‘s artwork
No.bonsai019 is Podocarpus macrophyllus .it’s 0.5 meters high.
bonsai age:5+years
bonsai meaning:elegance
No.bonsai016 is a grate artwork ,like two people dancing on’s 0.5 meters high.
bonsai age:3+years
bonsai meaning:dancing
No.bonsai017 is a bonsai tree ,the root and trunk is’s 0.5 meters high.
bonsai age:3+years
bonsai meaning:spring,nature
No.bonsai020 is a bonsai tree ,the 2 branch is like 2 arms to the root and trunk is’s 0.5 meters high.
bonsai age:3+years
bonsai meaning:spring,nature

No.bonsai015 is a bonsai tree ,there are 6 trunk grow together,it’s 0.5 meters high.
bonsai age:4+years
bonsai meaning:nature,art

know more link: the wonderful bonsai park