2 Hours Drive from Chengdu, You Arrive the Jurassic Fern Tree Valley and Gourmet Paradise


In addition to the Bamiyan Giant Buddha, which was bombed by the Taliban, there is another world-famous Buddha in China, Leshan Giant Buddha, located in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. But today we will not introduce the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area. We will introduce the Alsophila Valley near Foshan, which only takes 50 minutes to drive.


Located in Xiba Town, near Leshan Giant Buddha to the north and Emei Fairy Mountain to the west, Spinulose Tree Fern Canyon is named after its more than 50,000 spinulose tree ferns growing in the valley.


About 180 million years ago, spinulose tree ferns, known as the “panda of the plant world”, were the most abundant plants on Earth, one of the main symbols of the age of reptiles — the other is dinosaurs. But over a long period of geological transition, tree ferns all over the planet almost perished, leaving them to be found only in a few places known as “sanctuaries”.

3亿年前,在今天的乐山市五通桥西坝镇一带山高林密,气候适宜,奇花异草遍地,古树参天蔽日。泉水淙淙,蕨类繁茂,夹杂其间的是一些古生植物。桫椤,就是那个时代的”居民” ,年老的高大古朴,雄浑壮观,体现出顽强的生命力;年幼的亭亭玉立,婀娜多姿,极具风韵…几万株桫椤撑起重重叠叠的绿伞,将峡谷荫蔽得幽深迷人。
Simple pleasures are the key to carving out space in a suburb and finding ways to enjoy yourself within it. 300 million years ago, in today’s Xiba Town of Leshan City, the climate is suitable and there are high mountains and dense forests, with exotic flowers and rare herbs everywhere. Tree ferns are one of them. We’ll walk into one of the lush forests and deep valleys with rocky cliffs and babbling springs.


Thousands of tree ferns hold up overlapping green umbrellas here, shading the canyon like a secluded valley. Walking into the canyon, one will feel like getting back to the Jurassic Period — The primitive forest let you return to simplicity, and the branches lace across overhead, alomost shutting out the sky and letting through little moving spangles and sequins of sunlight. This was probably once a free land for dinosaurs, and the footprints left between the hills and the mountainsides are probably the best evidence. It may be another mystery from nature, that is, dinosaurs and Spinulose Tree Fern Canyon.


At the same time,we’ll treat ourselves with a variety of classic local delicacies such as tofu pudding, sweet duck, bo bo chicken, spiced potatoes and mellow soup with beef. You just can’t miss it.

If you would like to learn more about this Fern Tree Valley and Leshan City, Or Sichuan and Chengdu, please contact me by email: Pandawego@foxmail.com, we would like to provide you comprehensive travel service anytime.

Learn more:

Ferntree Gully: a magical gully and rainforest walk near Mudgee

Care Guide for the Tree Fern

Fern Tree Gully

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